Profit Pillars Kickstart – 6 MOnth Accelerator

Tailored-to-you business growth for women who crave more ease, more momentum, and more money in just 6 months

Before working with Ange I felt like I’d hit a brick wall in my business. I needed someone that not only knew marketing but also knew business. Ange is amazing with both! What I didn’t expect was Ange to be so personally committed to my success. Ange truly cares and has the experience and the business smarts to help me reach my goals.
Jen Waterson


You want a business that allows you to make memories away from the screen…

But right now, your business is taking more than it’s giving

😴  You’re zapped of energy trying to bring in consistent cashflow 

…and your monthly revenue is still hit-or-miss

👩‍💻  You’re trading quality time with your family for time in front of your laptop

…even though you started your business to be there for the people you care about most

😅  You’re still strategy-shopping because so far nothing feels like you

…and you’re still not reaching the right audience.

Plus, you’re afraid if you step away for a hot minute, your whole business might wash away like a sandcastle at high tide. 

Or, at the very least, all your leads will dry up and you’ll have to start over from scratch.

Since your business is the one calling the shots, you’re putting all your needs on the back burner

Clocking out early to head to the farmer’s market? 
Maybe next weekend…

Spending all weekend at the pool with your kids? 
Maybe next summer…

Enough cash in the bank to book a 2-week trip abroad?
Maybe next year…

Because all that time you’re spending in your business isn’t making your day-to-day any easier

(…insert biiig eyeroll)

You’re Procrastinating More and More.

Because deep down, you’re worried your best might never be good enough

You’re Stuck Trying to Make Everything ‘Perfect’.

And you’re still terrified a post with zero likes might mean you’ve totally failed

You’re Always in Doing-Mode.

Because success isn’t real unless it’s hard… right? 

Giving up is not an option—’cause you’re no quitter. 

And you’re determined to build a bridge from where you are now to where you want to be, but you know it’s time for a different approach.

👉 One that prioritizes you and still floods your bank account with cash 👈

(Spoiler: Inside Profit Pillars that’s 100% possible)

You’re in the right place if you’re ready to scrap everyone else’s idea of success and build your own instead

  • Earn more without sacrificing every drop of your sanity
  • Find your business growth groove with perfect-for-you strategies
  • Build a business that runs smooth as buttah even when you’re OOO
  • Create a business that energizes you instead of exhausts you
  • Put more time on your calendar and spend it with the people you care about most
  • Ditch the copy-and-paste approach for a personalized path 

The truth is, when you build from a place of intention, you crack the code to more

More meaning. More momentum. More money.

Let me show you how.

Hey, hey!

I’m Ange—

A no-nonsense business coach and I help ambitious women burnout-proof their businesses.

Because what’s the point of making money if you have to sacrifice every last bit of your sanity to get it…?

I’ve grown 2 kickass, multi 6-figure businesses — this one, plus an online baby shop Finlee and Me — while being a mom to 2 awesome kids + a hungry bulldog, managing anxiety and depression, and still finding time to watch way too much hockey (hey, I’m Canadian).

When I first started my businesses, I had no idea how to juggle everything and still make a profit.

Like, no idea. 

And because I’m human, it took me a while to figure it out.

🌸 But when I got intentional about building businesses that put money in my bank and time on my calendar, things started to shift.

I went from constantly trying to make ends meet for my family to an empowered woman in business who has freedom and cashflow on her side without sacrificing my health or my family to get it.

And I’ve been able to rake in some pretty cool wins along the way. 

Like winning International Business Coach of the year, Podcast of the Year, and being featured in over 100+ guest podcasts.

The #1 thing I’ve learned after helping hundreds of women build businesses that work for them?




Women Empowered With Business Mindset, Strategies & Tactics


Podcast Downloads & Counting!


Of Transforming Women in Business’ Lives!

The secret to a thriving business isn’t about following someone else’s formula. 

✨ It’s about creating your own.

Because what worked for dozens of others might not (or, rather, probably won’t) work for you.

If you want a business that earns you consistent money without eating up all of your time, you’ve gotta create a unique-as-you-are growth plan.

So you can pocket more profit and do it without adding useless lines to your to-do list. 

Craving more ease and more money in the next 6 months? 

Let’s smash the rules and rebuild them to work for YOU.

Profit Pillars Kickstart

6 month accelerator

Tailored business growth for women who crave more ease, more momentum, and more money in 6 months flat

Michelle Miles

Owner Of Sweetheart Creative

Angela is my business coach and has helped me take my business from a hobby to a very profitable business. I love her hands on approach and her straight talking. Her experience from previously owning an ecommerce store is invaluable as she understands the intricacies involved. I highly recommend you use Angela as a business coach to take move your business forward.

Stacey Cranitch

Director At The Social Hub

Working with Ange has been one of the highlights of my business journey. As a coach myself, I know the importance of having a coach so that you can grow in business. Ange has a fabulous practical approach that really helped me get clarity on my business offerings so that I can work on what really brings me joy. I cannot recommend Ange’s services enough.

Inside Profit Pillars, you’ll get intentional* about your profit with support in 3 key areas

Sales Strategy

No business is complete without a kickass sales strategy to increase profits.

Get my help tweaking your personalized plan to maximize leads + cashflow

Energetic Alignment

Not into posting on Instagram 5x a week? You don’t have to.

In the first week of the 6 month accelerator, you’ll get clear on the business activities that protect your energy, not drain it

Love + Support

Behind every successful woman in business is a group of biz besties cheering her on.

This group of women is here to help you build a feel-good business that makes bank

*The key word here is intentional. 

You dial in a profit plan that’ll have you reaching (and surpassing) your goals

One that feels GOOD for you, so you can stop copy and pasting everyone else’s idea of success and find your very own growth groove.

Before we get into the details, here are a few important things to note…

This NOT a one-size-fits all program

You’re not here to get a stack of templates or a pre-made roadmap.

You’re here to make a custom-fit profit plan that honors the real you. Quirks and all.

You’ll focus on strategies that work for YOU

The question isn’t what strategy works. It’s which one works for you. 

nside this 3-month business accelerator, I’ll meet you where you’re at and support you all the way to where you want to go. 

Whether that’s more money, more freedom, or more time to take care of yourself

You are not a number

Ever feel invisible on a Zoom call with 3,000 other people? 

Yeah. We aren’t about that. Here, your journey, your hurdles, and your voice matters.

That’s why we cap enrollment each month so you’re guaranteed the time and attention you deserve to dial in a plan that truly works.

Let’s unpack your path to a more aligned and more profitable business in just 6 months


Join the 6 month accelerator

Ready to ditch overwhelm and find your growth groove?

First thing’s first: Join us inside Profit Pillars


Create Your Individual 6-Month Growth Plan

Design a personal business growth plan that fits you and your business.

You’ll dial in a visibility plan, your money-makin’ activities, and a sales and marketing strategy that energises and excites you, instead of leaving you exhausted.


Hang with Ange 1:1 to Review Your 6-Month Growth Plan

Yep. You get one-on-one time with me because personal feedback and direction matters.

We’ll hop on a 30-minute 1:1 call to review your plan together. We’ll optimize and tweak it for maximum growth to be sure you’re hitting your growth goals consistently.


Get Support as You Implement

See the thing about a plan is that it needs to be implemented. Which means you need a place to get all your questions answered as you go.

Small group Q&A calls, mindset sessions, goal-setting sessions and more means you’re supported every step of the way as you implement, refine, and hone your profit plan.


Celebrate! Your Business is Aligned & Bringing in Cash

By doing more of the *right* things in your business, you’re freeing up your energy while bringing in more cash.

That’s what we call a win/win in business.

An aligned business requires aligned support

That’s why all along the way, you’ll have all THIS at your fingertips 

1 x 30 minute strategy session with me to create your personalised 6-month Roadmap to Success
(this alone is worth $625)

This is where we sit down together on Zoom, and go over anything specifically related to your business. 

We can look at your goals for the year ahead, and map out specific tasks and actions to get you from here to there or any other topics you want to discuss.

Fortnightly live group hotseat calls for you to get your personalised support from me

Get everyone’s help on finding – and executing! – a way forward. 

The cool thing about hot seats is you often learn just as much by listening to everyone else’s questions as you do when you get support on your own.

3 x monthly live mindset group sessions

Your external world is a direct reflection of your internal world and we must work on developing a strong mindset. 

Every month you’re invited to join a live mindset coaching call so we can work on breaking through the beliefs that are holding you back.

3 x monthly live group goal-setting sessions

Every month, we’ll sit down on Zoom together to get clear on what you need to do to hit your specific goals in the next 30 days. 

You’ll walk away with focus, accountability, and momentum… aka a game plan that lets you leave all those shiny objects behind.

6 months of access to the Profit Pillars business vault with over 40+ business trainings

AKA a carefully curated resource library where you’ll find workshops, templates, and how-to’s on everything from list-building to outsourcing, SEO, and financial planning.

6 months of access to our private Facebook community

Which is open 24/7 for ideas, advice,

feedback, and support. Because we spend so much time together live, the connections and support you get in here are priceless.

3 x monthly live group workshops with guest experts

Need some help optimising your Facebook Ads? Struggling to streamline your systems and get your tech tools to talk to each other? There are 10 expert mentors available to you at no extra cost — all you’ve got to do is choose which one you need.

And more…

Throughout the year there will be additional surprises coming your way. Such as Trivia nights, postal surprises and so much more!

Click to see what I mean when I say Profit Pillars is tailored-to-you

  • Click to see what I mean when I say Profit Pillars is tailored-to-you
    Hop into a Goal Setting Session to get clear on what’ll move the needle forward and what’s just a shiny distraction
  • Need help optimising your Facebook Ads or back-end systems?
    Catch a Guest Expert Workshop and get the inside scoop from an ads pro.
  • Looking for a quick SEO tutorial or list-building how-to lesson?
    Watch one of the 40+ expert trainings in your Business Valut. 
  • Struggling with perfectionism or having intense self-doubt?
    Clear your schedule for a live Mindset Session so you can bust through the mindset blocks holding you back
  • Wondering if you have to create a TikTok or post on socials everyday if it’s just not your thing?
    Pop into a Hotseat Call and get my eyes on your audience growth strategy
  • Wondering if other women in business have tried selling a program like yours?
    Drop by the group and ask away. With an elevated group of women serious about building feel-good businesses that make bank, we can be your sounding board for any questions that crop up.


Let’s smash the rules and rebuild them to bring you more ease and cash in the next 6 months

Just $15 a day for more meaning, momentum, and money


$450 + GST

Per month


Save $153 when you pay in full


$1,197 + GST

Wondering what’s possible when you infuse strategy, support, and alignment into your business?

Jen Waterson

Director Of Simply Smarter Numbers

Before working with Ange I felt like I’d hit a brick wall in my business. I needed someone that not only knew marketing but also knew business. Ange is amazing with both! What I didn’t expect was Ange to be so personally committed to my success. Ange truly cares and has the experience and the business smarts to help me reach my goals.

Lesley Clavijo

Marketing Strategist At Lesley Lesley Clavijo

Since working with Angela I’ve doubled my prices and tripled my hourly rate for consulting calls. Which means I’m working less, but making more. Angela helped me understand that people are paying for my expertise and all the time, years and investment I’ve spent on getting to where I am now, not for the time I spend on a project. This was a HUGE light bulb moment Angela lead me to and I can’t thank her enough!

Kris & Donna

Director At Design And Prosper

Ange has been instrumental in our business set up. She is a wealth of knowledge. Ange walks the talk—she invests in her own education and her own growth in order to help her clients collapse time and fast-track them to success. She is super generous with her knowledge and systems, she allows us to tap into her genius with ease. Her quick and thorough responses to our questions are always tailored to us and meet our specific needs, making her advice transformative. Thanks Ange!

What would it feel like to be supported every step of the way as you create MORE in the next 6 months days?

Start here

Stuck in hustle n’ grind mode

30 Days In Profit Pillars

Your one-of-a-kind growth plan is created and approved by Ange. 

You know exactly what you have to do to every month to reach your goals and that clarity feels really dang good.

60 Days In Profit Pillars

Your focused action starts paying off. 

You’re ticking off goals and seeing real change + more sales. You can breathe for the first time in months.

6 Months In Profit Pillars

Your business no longer feels confusing or overwhelming. 

You have space on your calendar and money in your bank account and you’re confident as all get-out

Finish here

Business is light, simple, fun, and booming

*And the whole time you’re saying YES to the things that feel aligned and HELL NO to the things that don’t

Your enrollment is risk-free for 14 days

Inside Profit Pillars, you’ll create a foundation to stop struggling and start thriving.

Which means the community is a place of vulnerability and intense growth.

Naturally, I only want women inside Profit Pillars who *want* to be there.

If you join the 6 Month Accelerator and don’t feel like it’s a good fit in the first 2 weeks, no sweat.

Email my team at and we’ll happily refund your investment inside 3 business days.

Have you heard?

I’m on a mission to get more wealth into the hands of 2,000+ women by 2025

Because being a mom, a house cleaner, a chef, a teacher, a dog walker, a laundry folder, a runny-nose-wiper, a friend, a partner, and a business CEO can be a tough gig. 

Because women are proven to reinvest their wealth back into their communities more than men.

Because women with money have choices and loud voices. And we need every one of them.

When I crossed the multi-six figure mark in my second business, I knew I wanted to turn around and help other women cross their goals off their lists too. 

That mission is what drives me to keep showing up every single day for every single woman in Profit Pillars.

Want to be one of them?

This sounds great, Ange. But I’ve been burned before…

Ouch. Me too.
If you’ve invested in a coach or program before and were left disappointed, I see you and I hear you. 

Because I was you.
There are too many coaches out there dangling shiny objects in your inbox and talking a big game about their “formulas” and “proven roadmaps”.

But what they don’t tell you is what worked for your coach or your biz bestie or your competitors might not work for *you*…

But what they don’t tell you is what worked for your coach or your biz bestie or your competitors might not work for *you*…

  • Because not all women are designed to show up on Reels.
  • Not all women are designed to sell on sales calls.
  • Not all women are designed to write blogs 3x a week.
  • Not all women need to add more products to their offer suite.
  • Not all women need to start a podcast.

The key to a meaningful, money-makin’ business is to create a growth plan that’s right for YOU.

Because when your business stops feeling like a cookie cutter version of someone else’s, it stops being this thing that you can’t understand. 

It stops being this code you can’t crack.
And It starts being a source of joy.

More freedom. More flexibility. More money.

That’s what I’m going to personally help you wrap your arms around in the next 6 months.

There are just 8 new spots available in Profit Pillars Kickstart each month so you can get the 1-on-1 attention you deserve

Claim yours right here

Profit Pillars: 6 months accelerator is the place for you if…

  • You know what you sell and who you wanna sell it to, but you don’t know where to start to make your business stress-free
  • You’ve made sales, you just can’t crack the code to consistent results month over month
  • You want MORE, but not at the cost of your sanity or time withy our family
  • You want to be an active part of an elevated community of women in business
  • You’re ready to take imperfect action
  • You’re ready to step into fear knowing that growth is on the other side

Sounds Like What You Need to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Now, let’s say…

You take everything you implemented in the Profit Pillars and use it to make…

Business #1
  • $50 extra a day in your business X 30 days = $1500 in your bank account per month.
  • Then $1500 per month X 12 months = $18,000 for the year.
  • And… over five years this would mean $90,000 you’ve made for your business and to go and live your dreams!!!!
Business #2
  • $100 extra a day in your business X 30 days = $3000 in your bank account per month.
  • Then $3000 per month X 12 months = $36,000 for the year.
  • And… over five years this would mean $180,000 you’ve made for your business and to go and live your dreams!!
Business #3
  • $150 extra a day in your business X 30 days = $4500 in your bank account per month.
  • Then $4500 per month X 12 months = $54,000 for the year.
  • And… over five years this would mean $270,000 you’ve made for your business and to go and live your dreams!!!!

Let’s start to make Every Day a Payday!

Sarah Sampana

CEO, Sarah Sampana Coaching

I have learnt so much from Angela’s wealth of knowledge that helps me to build my business foundations so that I can now grow and scale my business. 
I have also found my place within Angela’s community. Thank you Angela for being the amazing, supportive & knowledgeable consultant you are.

Nicola Depiazzi

Founder, Nicola Depiazzi Marketing

I love Ange’s no nonsense approach. She has this amazing ability to be 100% supportive and kind but at the same time not willing to put up with excuses. 
Ange’s answers are always succinct yet in-depth and she is totally happy to share her own behind the scenes journey in business including both the ups and downs.
Thanks Ange for being the kick up the ass business coach that I needed!

Frequently Asked Questions

We cap enrollment at 8 new students each month because that gives me time to make sure all the women inside Profit Pillars are getting the attention they need.

I’m not here to enroll thousands of people per month. I’m here to make an impact on your life and your business success.

My goal is simple: I want to leave you better off than when you found me.

Because that’s how long it takes most women in business to get clear on their growth plan, tweak it, implement it, and see results.

If you commit to anything less than 90 days, you won’t have enough time or data to find what works and move the needle forward in your business.

As a business owner who’s also a wife, mother and woman… I know you don’t have a ton of time on your hands. That’s why everything you’ll do in the next 90 days is strategic, tailored-to-you, and meant to have you taking the *right* action, whatever that means for you and your business.

The more time you’re able to put into your business typically means you can grow your business faster.

150% yes! A business needs a profit-boosting foundation regardless of whether it’s online or a brick-and-mortar store.

No worries at all. All the calls are recorded so you can easily listen to them at your convenience.

Yep. When you join, you get a 1 x 30 minute private call with me to review and tweak your 90-day plan. 

During our session, we can review your goals, optimize your growth strategies to align with the business you want to create, and dial in your action plan for the next 90 days.

The best way to know if you’re ready is to answer this question: Am I willing to take action? 

All you need to do is show up with the willingness to take action. You need to show up to do the work and put in the effort. It doesn’t have to be perfect or pretty but it has to be done. 

If you’re not sure if you’re ready to show up, you might not be ready for the 90-Day Sprint. And that’s okay. 

But if you’re done with guesswork, feeling weighed-down in your business, and you’re ready to show up, ask questions, and do the work with my help, then sign up here and I’ll meet you on the inside

Profit Pillars isn’t the place for you if you’re looking for an ongoing private coaching experience or you’re not ready to troubleshoot in your business. 

Likewise, it isn’t right for you if you’re not ready for any coaching at all. 

Your enrollment is protected by The Profit Promise which gives you a full 7 days after we start to see whether or not this program is everything we said it would be (and then some!). If you decide we’ve not kept to our promise, simply email us with your end of the promise and we’ll refund your payment.

You’ll have the opportunity to get extended support after your first 6 months inside the Kickstart! Which will likely be a no-brainer after your big wins, but the option is totally yours.

Still have questions?

If you can’t find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact me and my team will reach out shortly after.


What do you want your day to day life to look like?

No, really. Stop and think about it. 

Turn down all the gurus chirping in your ear insisting you have to do this or that to make it in business.

What does your best, most delicious day look like?

Are you waking up early to take a solo walk? 

Are you making lunch dates with your friends every Friday? 

Are you done with work by 2 pm to prep dinner and pick your kids up from school?

In Profit Pillars, that’s where we start. 

We start with YOU.

Because the truth is your business isn’t anyone else’s. And when you start designing from a place of happiness, you build something that supports a quality life. 

All success flows from there.

What to create a business that works for you?

Join me in Profit Pillars Kickstart and let’s set your foundation in the next 6 months

Xx Ange

Just $15 a day for more meaning, momentum, and money


$450 + GST

Per month


Save $153 when you pay in full


$1,197 + GST

© 2023 Angela Henderson Consulting. All rights reserved